This is a blog where I tell you (whoever is viewing this) about my life in anonymous terms. What I write will be what I'm thinking and what I never really say. Someone needs to know my thoughts, I think. Maybe not. Anyway, I hope you find my blog entertaining, interesting, and inspiring. Or something of that sort.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

When People are Unethical and Drive Me Crazy

I've been working for about a year at my job (which is not all that great considering I can't really get anything else, yay life as a college student). It's not the best place, but it is better than some. I know that's not real descriptive, but I'm not going to try to be.
Our place is always hiring because we never really get the best people working there. I'm the goody-good person because I don't drink or do drugs or anything of that sort. What a lovely place, right? Well, there have been new people, which I don't mind. But it drives me crazy how some of them are hired just because of the fact that they know people who work there or who have worked there. 
One person in particular drives me absolutely crazy. He graduated in the same class as me, from the same high school, and lives in the same neighborhood as me. He was hired a month ago, which was a little bit before I came back to work for the summer (I had already worked there the previous summer).
He is CRAZY slow at everything and continuously talks. I mean he DOES NOT SHUT UP!!
Always talking about how his dad is a director and how he didn't have good grades in school and how his dad now has a bunch of money and gets to travel anywhere he wants to every year for free. And then he goes on about his mom and what she does for a living. It's annoying. He's totally completely spoiled and basically BRAGs about it in front of all of us who are just trying to make it in this world. That's the other thing that drives me crazy. HE hasn't accomplished anything in his life. It's like his parents' accomplishments are his own. It's incredibly annoying. Plus, he is incredibly attached to them and they come visit him at work constantly. Because they are so proud of him. Please. Give me a break. He is an awful worker. A pretty nice guy. But an awfully slow, talkative, worker.
Well, now we are getting an new work schedule and guess what?
He is scheduled to have 29 hours
I have 25
and another worker who holds a similar title only has 19! And she has technically been there longer than the both of us! (even though I was hired before here) (sorry that doesn't make a lot of sense)
It's pretty unfair if you think about it because we are all in the same situation.
College students who will be leaving for the summer.
the General Manager at my work says that they are going to slowly get us out of the schedule so that the high schoolers they have will get more experience and hours when we are gone. Which is totally understandable. But then why does he have so much more hours when he just started working here, it's his first job, he is incredibly slow at it, not very good, and brings down the entire team?

Well, this is what he said to me:
"I got more hours because I've known the General Manager forever, He's basically like my brother."

He has even hinted at the fact that the General Manager just offered him a job there, he didn't even apply.
Which that just really makes me upset.
So now I feel as though the General Manager is set against me while he goes and helps his fake "brother"
I really dislike a fair few of the people I work with. 
It just really drives me crazy that they can't see that that is unethical. 
No one should get advantages because they know someone. 
That's not how people should succeed in this world. 
People should be recognized for the work that they do, not the people that they know. 
I wish that I had enough courage to stand up to him in that moment and do something
but I didn't
I just suffered in silence like I always do

People just sometimes really drive me crazy.

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